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Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology

Social and Cultural Anthropology

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At the Chair for Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Bayreuth

Prof. Dr. Katharina Schramm

Prof. Dr. Katharina Schramm
Chair for Social and Cultural Anthropology

E-Mail: katharina.schramm@uni-bayreuth.de
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4170
​Building: GW II, Room: 0.17

Office hour: please arrange an appointment via DFN planner

Dr. Viola Castellano
DFG research project "Gambische Rückkehrer als Produzenten von Wissen über das Grenzregime

Senior research associate

E-Mail: viola.castellano@uni-bayreuth.de
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4134
Building: Zapf 4, Room: 4.4.12a

Dr. Nasima Selim

Dr. Nasima Selim
Senior Research associate

E-Mail: nasima.selim@uni-bayreuth.de
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4169
Building: GW II Room: 00.21

Other PhDs and PostDocs in our Working Group

Andrea-Vicky Amankwaa-Birago

Vicky Amankwaa-Birago, M.A.
HTW Berlin

Ph.D. candidate

E-Mail: Andrea-Vicky.Amankwaa-Birago@HTW-Berlin.de

Petra Dankova

Petra Dankova, M.S.W.
Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt

Ph.D. candidate

E-Mail: petra.dankova@thws.de

Danielle Isler

Danielle Isler, M.A.
Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies

Ph.D. candidate

E-Mail: Danielle.Isler@uni-bayreuth.de

Eileen Jahn M.A.

Eileen Jahn, M.Sc.
Epistemologies of the Global South

Ph.D. candidate

E-Mail: eileen.jahn@uni-bayreuth.de

Sarah Lempp

Sarah Lempp, M.A.
DFG research project "From social gaze to bureaucratic standards" | Social and Cultural Anthropology

defended her Ph.D. thesis in February 2024

E-Mail: sarah.lempp@uni-bayreuth.de

Lucilla Lepratti M.Sc.

Lucilla Lepratti, M.Sc.
Social and Cultural Anthropology | University of Leipzig

Ph.D. candidate

E-Mail: lucilla.lepratti@uni-bayreuth.de

Sabine Netz

Sabine Netz, M.A.
DFG research project "How Age Makes a Difference”

defended her Ph.D. thesis in January 2024

E-Mail: sabine.netz@uni-bayreuth.de

Prof. Dr. Agnieszka Pasieka

Dr. Agnieszka Pasieka
Associate Research Scholar and Lecturer at Yale University

E-Mail: agnieszka.pasieka@uni-bayreuth.de

New book "Living Right" out now!

Thiago Pinto Barbosa

Dr. Thiago Pinto Barbosa
Social and Cultural Anthropology | University of Leipzig

defended his Ph.D. thesis in May 2023

UBT Sitzgelegenheit Rondell

Regina Sarreiter, M.A.

Ph.D. candidate

E-Mail: reginasarreiter@yahoo.de

UBT Sitzgelegenheit Rondell

Eleanor Schaumann, M.A.
'Africa Multiple: Cluster of Excellence' research "Karakul Circulations: Colonial Economies and the Un_Making of Disciplinary Knowledges in Germany and Namibia"

Ph.D. candidate

E-Mail: eleanor.schaumann@uni-bayreuth.de

Mihir Sharma, M.A.
Epistemologies of the Global South

defended his Ph.D. thesis in August 2024

E-Mail: mihir.sharma@uni-bayreuth.de

Working Group "Anthropology of Global Inequalities"

Our research, pedagogy and engagement focus on the empirical inquiries and sharing of knowledge produced through critical analyses of categories of differences and their political implications. We investigate how dynamics of knowledge production and communication relate to questions of (in)equality and processes of inclusion and exclusion. Social movements, migration and border regimes, biosocial and economic justice, forms of racialization, and (trans)national politics of belonging count among our diversified empirical fields.

Find out more about us on our web page https://anthropologyofglobalinequalities.com/

Webmaster: Prof. Dr. Katharina Schramm

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