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Team > Sabine Netz

Sabine Netz Sabine Netz
Sabine Netz

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social and Cultural Anthropology

Sabine Netz, born and raised in Dresden, studied Social and Cultural Anthropology and Sociology in Halle, Istanbul and Amsterdam.

She worked as a research and teaching associate at the Free University of Berlin and as a researcher in the DFG project “How Age Makes a Difference: Practices of Classification, Belonging and Political Subjectivity Among Young Refugees in Germany” at the University of Bayreuth. She collaborated on another research project on age estimations and the denial of birth certificates with activists of “Together we are Bremen”.

Her PhD thesis describes age determinations as an example for migrant and citizen classification practices that both hierarchize and entangle human life – especially that of “citizens” and “migrants” – in terms of means of life (especially food, soils and water), life chances and living conditions. The ethnographic and empirical philosophical thesis challenges these categorizations and describes the power of national citizenship as both ideal and fiction, situating it in global (post)colonial, transnational and capitalist entanglements. Her work has been published in Citizenship Studies, Ethnos and Hinterland. Another article will appear in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies in late 2023.

Sabine Netz

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social and Cultural Anthropology

  • Anthropology of border and migration regimes
  • Citizenship and classification practices of (non)human life
  • Material semiotics
  • Global entanglements
  • Social movements
  • (Anti-)Racism
  • Agrifood and global commodity chains
Sabine Netz

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social and Cultural Anthropology



Netz, Sabine
Teeth and Truth? Age IDentities of migrants in the making
in Ethnos : Journal of Anthropology volume 87 (2022) issue 2. - page 290-305
doi:10.1080/00141844.2020.1736594 ...


Netz, Sabine
"Niemand kann zweimal geboren werden"
in Hinterland (2020) issue 46. - page 80-86
http://www.hinterland-magazin.de/wp-content/upload ...


Netz, Sabine; Lempp, Sarah; Krause, Kristine; Schramm, Katharina
Claiming citizenship rights through the body multiple
in Citizenship Studies volume 23 (2019) issue 7. - page 637-651
doi:10.1080/13621025.2019.1651041 ...

Netz, Sabine
Enacting biorelational citizenship in X-ray rooms and offices : on age assessments of migrants ...
in Citizenship Studies volume 23 (2019) issue 7. - page 720-737
doi:10.1080/13621025.2019.1651096 ...


Schramm, Katharina; Netz, Sabine
Die Vermessung des Urmenschen : zur Darstellung von Rasse und Rassismus in einer Dresdner Auste ...
in Medizinethnologie : Körper, Gesundheit und Heilung in einer globalisierten Welt
14. September 2016
http://www.medizinethnologie.net/vermessung-des-un ...

Sabine Netz

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social and Cultural Anthropology

Sabine Netz
DFG research "How Age Makes a Difference” | Research associate

University of Bayreuth
​D-95448 Bayreuth

E-mail: sabine.netz@uni-bayreuth.de

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